by Physico City Physiotherapy | Jan 11, 1111 | News, Physiotherapy
Sitting too much? If so, then feeling stiff and tight in your hips and your lower back are likely familiar symptoms to you. Sitting for prolonged periods of time with a high frequency can cause problems for your body, namely: “pattern adaptation or maladaptation”....
by Physico City Physiotherapy | Jan 11, 1111 | Physiotherapy
In light of PhysiCo City’s upcoming 15th Birthday I thought I would take the time to share with you my journey in becoming a Physiotherapist and how it all began. Let me take you way back to early high school. I had just attempted to descend a full flight of...
by Physico City Physiotherapy | Jan 11, 1111 | Physiotherapy Our expert team of physiotherapists have noticed an epidemic of neck and upper thoracic spine dysfunction here at the clinic. Since we...
by Physico City Physiotherapy | Jan 11, 1111 | Physiotherapy
Should you see a Physio after an Ankle Sprain? An ankle sprain is a common musculoskeletal injury that can happen to everybody! It involves the stretching of ligaments on either side of the ankle which provide stability to the joint. You are more likely to...
by Physico City Physiotherapy | Jan 11, 1111 | Physiotherapy
Anterior cruciate ligament Your knee you has two main stabilizing ligaments. The main one of which is the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). ACL injuries usually occur from a hard step or a twisting of the knee whilst it is planted. It can also occur from an awkward...
by Physico City Physiotherapy | Jan 11, 1111 | Physiotherapy, Running
Running: The one-legged exercise Running is a one-legged sport. Throughout the running cycle, one foot strikes the ground and pushes off while the other is mid-air. Momentarily, both feet are off the ground until the other foot makes contact and repeats the same force...